Tenuta dell'Alto


Please share your comments and experiences at Tenuta dell'Alto with us and our future guests. Send us information on sites you've enjoyed, great spots you discovered, restaurants you liked... or simply let us know how much you enjoyed your stay!
August 2019Kate
Lovely stay
How lovely to have stayed at Tenuta dell’Alto ! The house was beautiful as always and Francesco was great - informative and friendly. I think i single-handedly cleared your tomato patch, the children were very excited to see the chickens and were very pleased when a particularly enthusiastic magpie stole our eggs. Puglia is so different from Tuscany/Umbria but it was good to be away from the hoards of tourists and explore a new part of Italy!

September 2019Christopher
Enjoyed every moment
Your team in Puglia is so thoughtful and took great care of us. We and our friends enjoyed every moment on you property and felt like we were in a dream. We honestly could not have been more happy. Your sense of design and of hospitality are formidable!

August 2019Alexis
Perfect on all levels
My group had an amazing week last week! It was perfect on all levels. One of my favorite surprises were your chickens! Loved having fresh eggs every morning. Francesco was excellent. I have no complaints except that it wasn’t long enough!!! Thank you so much!

To rent other beautiful vacation properties in Italy and Mexico visit also www.lucistays.com
Contact: T. (001) 773 4255730 or
E. info@tenutadellalto.com